Module 2: Finance of International Trade
This module is designed to provide you with an understanding of the keys to profitability in business and the most appropriate sources of finance to maximize such profits. In addition to covering the working capital cycle in international trade, the management of cash flow and effective business financial structures, it also takes a detailed look at a number of trade instruments such as Documentary Letters of Credit and Bonds & Guarantees. During this module, you will be required to evaluate and attempt to reduce the various risks that can arise in international trade, including exchange rate risk and country and buyer credit risk, as well as to choose and operate the most appropriate methods of payment for a given international transaction.
By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:
- Understand the impact of a payment process on the finances of a company trading internationally across borders.
- Understand the range of options currently available to finance international trade and export.
- Understand the main financial risks attached to trading internationally across borders.
- Tutor: Debora Abadi
- Tutor: Kevin Shakespeare